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Kobe Bryant Spotted wearing Kobe 9 Philippines

Kobe Bryant with Kobe 9 Philippines Shoe by Nike

Exclusive Kobe 9 Philippines shoe look's good and he's wearing 'em

Exclusive Kobe 9 Philippines shoe looks good, and I am not just saying that because I am a Filipino, the colorful "banig" layout make it look and feel Filipino, Nike did a good job in combining the colors and it looks like Kobe Bryant like it too. 

We know that Kobe Bryant is one of the most revered basketball player in the Philippines so thank you Nike for recognizing that and capitalizing on the market, works both ways. Take a look at more photo's of the Kobe 9 Philippines.

Here is Kobe once again wearing his Kobe 9.

Stop here..and don't scroll down
What did I tell you
Now you have to see Kobe Bryant out of shape
Look at Kobe Bryant's belly, he has a lot of work to do before the start of the season, don't worry I am sure he can still ball like the rest of the best out there, but darn Kobe Bryant got bigger.

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