Rodney Brondial Describes The New Ginebra Squad

The Adamson University cager Rodney Brondial has been expressing his happiness  and excitement about the renewed and improved Ginebra Squad since  the 2 time grandslam coach Tim Cone's move and the upcoming roster improvement which Cone promised as he sees unbalanced roster of the crowd favorite ballclub.

Rodney Brondial described Ginebra as "Godzilla", when asked via social media about the new Ginebra Team. It has been 7 years since the franchise won a championship and all the fans of the franchise is hoping that the 41st Season of the PBA will be the right season to end their title drought. One more thing to look forward to aside from the trades is the up coming PBA rookie draft which will happen this August 23 where Ginebra will pick number 5 in the first round will also make a big impact in Ginebra's current roster as they try to balance the team's current line up.

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