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The Heat is on! Watch Ricardo Mayorga slaps Shane Mosely's girlfriend's butt in his face

 Ricardo Mayorga slaps Shane Mosely's girlfriend's butt

August 29, 2015, Shane Mosley will be facing Ricardo Mayorga in a rematch. During their first epic fight, Shane Mosley knock-out Mayorga in the final round. It was one of the intense fights of Shane Mosley and  this weekend we will find out if Shane still got it, because we know Mayorga is still the same arrogant and rude boxer that he is.

In a recent press conference, Ricardo Mayorga got a little too comfortable and slaps Shane Mosley's girl friend's glorious ass. Shane of course, retaliated in anger but, it's a good thing that they were separated early or else the fight would happen earlier.

VID | Mayorga slapping Mosley's girlfriend ass!
Posted by Face Book Boxing Community (The Koncrete Jungle) on Tuesday, August 25, 2015
 Ricardo Mayorga slaps Shane Mosely's girlfriend's ass

Here is a photo shoot of Bella Gonzales, Shane's Girlfriend, you can't blame Ricardo!

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