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HeadBlade ATX - The Ultimate Head & Body Razor - Exclusive promo for

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Want a perfectly shaved head? You can always go to the barber or you can get this bad boy, the perfect razor!

Regular price:  ₱950.00

Get 10% Discount! , now: ₱855.00

HeadBlade ATX - The Ultimate Head & Body Razor - Special promo for 

The ATX All Terrain Razor has been in development for many years. The four official mandates it had to satisfy:

  1. Utilize new multi-blade technology that had flow through design.
  2. Eliminate the learning curve for anyone who previously used a conventional razor.
  3. Be an effective and versatile face, body, and leg shaver.
  4. Give a faster, easier, and more efficient head shave than any previous HeadBlade.
The HeadBlade ATX comes standard with our HB4 blades and is also compatible with the HB6.

Enjoy. Mission accomplished.

HeadBlade ATX - The Ultimate Head & Body Razor - Special promo for 

If you get one now, you will get a special rate!

Get 10% Discount! , now: ₱855.00
shipping included 

Promo code: 20PCN15
Expires on: 12/25/2015

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