Q. Who will you vote as President and why ?
Red: Duterte because I believe that this country needs change
Q. Do you think there are gay MMA fighters?
Red: Yes, I do
Q. Will you approve of Gay MMA fighters?
Red: Yes, I believe in gender equality.
Q. What do you think will ruin the MMA as a sport?
Red: I think that using MMA to harm and kill others would ruin the reputation of MMA.
Q. Do you approve of Marijuana?
Red: For medical purposes, I do however, if used illegally I obviously do not approve of it
Q. What do you think of using performance enhancing drugs in MMA?
Red: I think MMA fighters who use performance enchancing drugs do not have self-discipline. They want to be superior without training the hard way. I believe they do not want to prolong the tedious training process that is why they resort to the easy yet illegal way.