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Maika Usita | How Ginebra fans made him more motivated.

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Maika Usita

Maika Usita a 2013 draftee of the Barangay Ginebra San Miguel, who somehow haven't had the chance to sign with the squad is now back on the court and proving he's worth a spot in the league. We have seen him in some practices of Ginebra as one of the practice players and Ginebra Fans are asking if he is already part of the roster. Well, this interview with him will clear the smoke and will make us see a better picture of what really happened.

In an interview with Maika, we asked him a few questions like , how can he describe the experience of being one of the drafted players of Ginebra and how the fans welcomed him.

Maika said, " A very warm welcome!!!, Many messages of excitement and followers/friend requests. All of it was positive turned into motivation actually." him talking about the reception of the ginebra fans after the draft. "See I lacked of basketball skills and the fans actually kept me motivated since (2013) knowing that I'm still an amateur in this sport with much to learn, the fans kept me herein the Philippines and motivated me to learn the game quickly because I surely did not want to let them down. diba?"

"If it weren't for the fans of Ginebra or Ginebra drafting me, I would have gone back to Hawaii and quit basketball I promise you that, lol."

Maika Usita talks about the way the Ginebra fans kept him playing ball and continue to improve and we also asked him if he's already part of the Ginebra Squad this coming conference and his thoughts on the fans' expectations that he will soon play for the league's crowd favorite.

" Yes it was me, :) but man I wish It was true! I was attending practice to tryout (with ginebra). Unfortunately after a week of practice I found my way to TNT. How?, I was invited to TNT so I thought "I", deserve a chance  to give myself another opportunity to show myself to other teams."

TNT has no legit big man at the moment and that maybe is the reason why they tapped Maika to be one of their frontliners soon. "So I've been at TNT practice and now it's been 2 weeks almost 3."

Given the size and strength and the skill set of this player, he truly deserves a spot in the country's biggest basketball league. With the time he spends in getting better and proving himself to every team he's been practicing with, we will not be surprised if this 6'9" guy will soon be in the PBA's hardcourt.

With overflowing gratitude, Maika also wanted to thank all the Ginebra Fans and his supporters who are always there to support and motivate him.

"To the fans, Mahalos (Hawaiian word which means thanks or gratitude), Salamat and thank you all the Ginebra Fans for motivating me since 2013 till today to become the player they want and wish to be so I could one day officially make the team and help reclaim the throne and win another championship! Im still learning the game and working hard at my craft to do so for any team that wants my help."

"If it's anything I learned from this experience especially with the fans and not being on the Gin team is the NSD, never say die attitude"

The PBA hopeful wanted to thank the whole Ginebra Community for making him adapt the never say die attitude which made him continue to try his luck in fulfilling his dreams to be one of the PBA players soon.

"Cause I almost went home in 2013 and gave up on my basketball and somehow I'm still here after 5 years trying to play in the PBA. And the fans kept me motivated, something not a lot of people could say or do. I know my family back home misses me and wonder why Im still out here after so long. I missed a lot of life back home with my Ohana (Family) but I got  unfinished business here and I know all of this will pay off and they will understand that I want to play basketball while I still have a chance."

"This is the first time I finally felt like a real basketball player. Gotta keep on keeping on. Never Say Die."  He added.

Well, in this world of professional basketball, we rarely see players like Maika who got the size and skills to fit in to the physicality of the PBA, and he's one of the players to look out for especially if a team needs some frontline support or toughness. It is no doubt that Maika Usita will soon find his home team to represent and still display that never say die attitude which he acquired from the first team who made him believe that giving up is not an option.

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