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Gregg Popovich's message about Tim Duncan

(Graphics by Sean Belarmino Curate)

After Duncan announced that he's no longer playing in the NBA for the next season, San Antonio Spurs Head Coach Gregg Popovich said Tuesday his message about the future Hall of Famer.

"He's irreplaceable. It can't happen," Popovich said. "We're all unique. I guess each one of us is unique. But he's been so important to so many people, it's just mind boggling. To think that he's going to be gone makes it really difficult to imagine walking into practice, going to a game, getting on the bus, taking him a piece of carrot cake -- whatever it might be.
"You don't see Timmy beating his chest as if he was the first human being to dunk the basketball, as a lot of people do these days. He's not pointing to the sky. He's not glamming to the cameras. He just plays, and we've seen it for so long it's become almost mundane. But it's so special that it has to be remembered."
Coach Popovich commended Duncan for being humble throughout his career in the NBA. He is really different from other NBA players. He just do what he does, just go out there and get the W. You'll never see Tim do a stare down after he posterizes someone. That's why it's really hard for everyone to accept the fact that one of the greatest journeys in the NBA has come to an end.
Although Duncan will no longer be in the court playing, Popovich don't think that he'll see Tim going up and down the sidelines much. Popovich said that he will do everything to keep Duncan around the Spurs as long as he possibly can, because Duncan means that much to everyone in the Spurs organization.

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