Story of an 18 Years Old Who's making a Name in the MMA World

Josh Robinson and Faizan Zan
Josh Robinson and Faizan Zan

Story of How an MMA Promoter, Full Time Student, Entrepreneur and only 18 years of age is Creating His Mark in the MMA World

Mixed Martial Arts is indeed the fastest growing sport in the world. In one case a young teenager got the best exposure possible and became a familiar name in the industry. He is none other than UGB MMA VP of Operations Faizan Fayaz. sat down with Faizan in his hometown of Singapore last week and we asked him on his introduction to the industry.

'It was one of the craziest beginnings I must say. I was a regular 16-year-old kid going to school and fairing a little above average and was super engrossed in cricket. Until I saw this VICE documentary by Basim Usmani on MMA in Pakistan that was started by Bashir Ahmad. I watched it and found it cool but months passed and it left my thought. I was having dinner one night and One Championship started playing on a local TV channel I saw a Pakistani fighter Waqar Umar lose to Singaporean Amir Khan. I must say Amir looked fantastic in that one and Waqar not so much but I saw Bashir in the corner and I thought I'd seen him and it all traced back. I searched it all up and was amazed by this guys story while slowly watching more and more MMA.

So I decided to message him and he said we should meet up and we did. We hanged out the entire day and I must say he's one of the most genuine people. Slowly he got me involved in the game and gave me exposure my bringing me to another ONE event and to sit in Waqar's corner for a fight and I was amazed by it. We kept in touch and he involved me with PAKMMA. Where I met my brothers Ehtisham, UGB Pakistan CEO Ali Sultan and guys like Uloomi Karim, Ahmed Mujtaba, Mehmosh and the team. I slowly started getting involved in getting guys fights.

Then came along Mr. Munsayac (UGB MMA CEO) whom I met on social media looking for a short notice fighter. I gave Mr. Munsayac a few tips on his league and slowly we became friends and it was an instant click. We thought alike. From there he invited me to be a part of the UGB and do the match making there seeing some potential in me perhaps . We talked about plans and plans and I worked getting us partnered with WSOF Global Championship. From there we opened a gym called Ronins MMA and Fitness together and I met many good people along the way.  Mr Munsayac has been nothing short of supportive and I almost got him out of his seat when I told him I was still 17 yet he had faith and trust. Thank you to Filipino MMA, PAKMMA and PBJJF for your endless support.

Once I started training martial arts my parents objected and came to a point of cutting my phone bills, bus expenses and I only had food and basic musts. I couldn't afford to train after a bit but Darren De Silva of Fight  G, where I met UGB MMA Champions Matt McGrigor and Brad Robinson, was always supportive of me and let me train in return for finding bouts. That was going well but everything changed when I met Josh Robinson. He taught me interesting things no one ever thought off let alone pull off. He became a key figure in my life and his partner, Samantha too. Our little subway dinners in which Josh would get me dinner half the time because I was broke (laughingly) we talked about crazy things and they became my best friends almost. Sam and Josh are the best and they are one of the most kind-hearted people I've met. Special mention to Amr Maher and Mike Saint Claire of Combat 360x who have been supportive of everything I've done. 

But yeah I'm 18, although I tell people I'm 22 so they take me a little more seriously, I'm a student in business in Temasek Poly. Meeting Bashir was destiny, without whom I would not have the life I have today. Mr Munsayac without whom I could not have achieved this much. His trust and belief is what we has brought me here. Josh and Sam for the great support and friendship. They are almost like an uncle and aunt in a way sorry guys if you read this (laughingly). To my team at Fight G, TFF and Ronins. It has been nothing but phenomenal.', Faizan Fayaz VP of Operations UGB MMA.

Faizan could be one of the youngest promoters around starting promotions at 17. With plans of taking his work to higher places, he has no plans of stopping. wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

Kudos Faizan!

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