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How Long Will It Take You To Get In Shape?

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Isn’t this the question that we’re all hoping we can work out the answer to? After all, if it’s a journey that’s going to take a lot of time and effort, is it really worth starting at all? The answer to that is always yes. And the latter? Well, that isn’t as much as a straight forwards answer. Instead, there are a lot of different factors that affect the answer. In fact, the answer to that question is as personal as you are. But if you really want to know how long it's going to take YOU to get your body into the condition that you want it to be in, here’s what can tell you.

Your Age

First up, there’s your age. And this plays a huge part in your health and fitness. When you’re young, you can often feel like you can run and jump and play for hours. And you can probably carry on like that all through your teens and on into your twenties too. But then, it all starts to slow down. As you approach 30 and surpass it, you will notice that your metabolism starts to slow down. You may also find that exercise feels harder, and that your body gets tired easier. And this contributes to how well you can get (and stay) in shape.

Your Lifestyle

The kind of lifestyle that you choose to lead also has a big impact on things. Although no one choice of lifestyle can be considered “right”, nor wrong, there are things that will help you to get your body into the shape you want it to be in, and things that will hinder your progress. So if you’re serious about getting into shape, you need to make your lifestyle changes stick for the better, and try to focus on a healthier, more-positive version of you.

Your Commitment

The truth is, no matter how young you are, and how healthy your lifestyle is, if you’re not committed, it’s going to be hard work. Consistency and commitment go hand in hand, and being in the best shape of your life doesn’t happen by accident. It’s something that you have to work really hard for. But if you’re committed, that’s as easy done as it is said.

Your Attitude

You should also think about the attitude you have towards your health and fitness too. If you want to get into shape, you have to have the right mindset. As Erny from Are They On Steroids shows us, results are possible, but only when you’re willing to make it happen. And to do that, you need to have the right attitude.

Your Genetics

But it’s also worth noting that your genetics have a huge influence on how well you’re able to get into shape. Every body is different, some will be naturally better at fat burning and building muscle than others. But with a bit of hard work, determination, and dedication, you should be able to get in shape as soon as you want to.

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