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Balls-Eye: Just How Amazing is LeBron's 17 Assists?

LeBron James

Well, the answer is it reached victory for the Cavs over the Hawks. But this is talking about a game perspective. Now, how about a 'historical' perspective?

Before we get into that intriguing question, I must admit that 25 points coupled with 17 assists are just way too far from ordinary basketball. Only those one of a kind players has what it takes to ignite and explode the way he did. It seldom happens that a player reaches more than 20 points but still isn't selfish of the ball.

25 points and 17 assists are just the perfect epitome of efficiency. It is something we do not see everyday. Really extraordinary.

Okay, let us go back to the question I have raised a while ago. How about this performance on a 'historical perspective' let us talk about the 17 assists alone. How amazing are those 17 assists?

Looking back at those legendary records marked, it is far from breaking the highest record of 30 assists by Scott Skiles of the Orlando Magic against the Denver Nuggets when they were tied at the standings 6 wins 23 losses. With him dishing out this 30 magic assists, they went ahead to chase their 7th victory of the season. But this is far back, it happened last December 30, 1990.

Now let's check out the best passers in today's basketball era.

If there'd be anyone, it is Rajon Rondo who managed to bag 20 assists and up several times.7 times to be exact and his highest was 24 in a single game against the Knicks last 2010.

What's Amazing About LeBron's?

I know you guys would ask if LeBron didn't break the record then what's amazing about his performance? Yes, he may have 'only' 17 assists and Rondo had 24. It's a bit far but who performed better? Of course, it is LeBron when talking about the totality. Rondo only scored 10 points that time, relatively small compared to James' 25.

It is hard to score high while passing effectively for your teammates. But guess what, James did.

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