No free agency summit for Wade and James, Stern says

LOS ANGELES (Reuters) – All-Stars Dwyane Wade, LeBron James and others will not be getting together for a meeting to discuss free agency, NBA commissioner David Stern said.
"There is no free agent summit," Stern told reporters Thursday at the NBA Finals.
Wade suggested in a May interview he, James and other pending free agents would meet to discuss future plans before making decisions.
But Stern said the players had changed their minds.
"I've been assured at the highest level that there is no summit," the commissioner said.

"They can have it," Stern said. "(But) they'd be better off watching these finals to see how you construct a team and how you play."
NBA players talk all the time, the commissioner said.
"We don't have any problem with that," he said. "If some kind of tampering is implicated, I will have a later and different view, but we're not expecting that."
The Los Angeles Lakers won the opening game of the best-of-seven NBA Finals, beating the Boston Celtics 102-89 Thursday at the Staples Center.

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