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Video: Pacquiao distracted training? worried about his conditioning

If you train hard the fight is easy! Do you remember this phrase? Pacquiao mentioned this when he was preparing for a fight with Ricky Hatton, If my memory serves me correctly, he won that fight via KO in the 2nd round. Today he is gearing up for another critical fight, one that could propel him back on top or end his career in boxing. 

In less than two months Pacquiao will be back in the ring against a young and hungry fighter by the name of Brandon Rios, he is currently training right now with two time trainer of the year, Robert Garcia and his former conditioning coach Alex Ariza. The Rios camp obviously have longer preparation than Pacquiao, and Rios is looking good. What about Pacquiao?

He is definitely training, while attending events, while doing his job as a congressman, while managing his business, while doing this..while doing that.... there are a lot of things on his plate and while we know that he can multi-task, it is always better if he can focus on one thing at a time. I am worried about his training and conditioning, Freddie Roach is not in the Philippines yet, he lost his conditioning coach and he is not getting a good sparring partner, or is he getting one at all? Who is watching if his eating well, who is taking care of his legs, who is making sure that he follow strict training schedule, everyone seems to be under him and no one maybe man enough to tell Pacquiao to do this and that, and this type of news really worries me or maybe I am just wrong, I really hope everything is well. 

Check this article:

Watch Manny Pacquiao training for Brandon Rios in Manila

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