Ruslan Provodnikov vs Chris Algieri Result
The fight did not start well for Chris Algieri as he was down twice in the first round but he was able to box Ruslan Provodnikov well, landing and and out and running away from his power left hand. Chris took a Split decision win.
The fight did not start well for Chris Algieri as he was down twice in the first round but he was able to box Ruslan Provodnikov well, landing and and out and running away from his power left hand. Chris took a Split decision win.
Judge 1: 117 - 109 Provodnikov
Judge 2: 114 -112 Algieri
Judge 3: 114-112 Algieri
Split decision win by Chris Algieri
Judge 1: 117 - 109 Provodnikov
Judge 2: 114 -112 Algieri
Judge 3: 114-112 Algieri
Split decision win by Chris Algieri