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Owner and President of Miami Heat statement is a class act

Pat Riley and Mickey Arison statement to LeBron James

How would you feel if the best player in the NBA leave your team? President Pat Riley and Owner Mickey Arison took the sad news very well. Here are their statements.

Pat Riley Statement:
While I am disappointed by LeBron’s decision to leave Miami, no one can fault another person for wanting to return home. The last four years have been an incredible run for South Florida, HEAT fans, our organization and for all of the players who were a part of it. LeBron is a fantastic leader, athlete, teammate and person, and we are all sorry to see him go.
Over the last 19yrs, since Micky and I teamed together, The Miami HEAT has always been a championship organization; we’ve won multiple championships and competed for many others. Micky, Erik and I remain committed to doing whatever it takes to win and compete for championships for many years to come. We’ve proven that we can do it and we’ll do it again.

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