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UNC VS VILLANOVA for the Championship game Tomorrow! Who you got?

It's 1 VS 2, Who ever wins will take it all out of 351 teams its down to 2 Tomorrow Night April 5, 2016 at exactly 9:19 am. manila time. I think BTV will air this for those who have sky cable but if you want to stream it feel free to go here be careful of the links though and disregard the pop ups. 

These two teams are very much alike except they have contrasting advantage over opponents UNC often rely on their front court of Jackson, Johnson and Meeks.Nova though use their back court of Hart, Arch and Jenkins, both of the other starting 5 members aren't a joke either. 

Nova's Starting 5


The determining factor for this game is Bench and i favor UNC's over Nova. UNC is about 10 deep but Nova is at most 8 deep. Coaching is a toss up but you have to give the edge to the guy who has won it twice already so i would go over his experience on the other hand Jay Wright isn't a joke either but again Williams has won it twice against equally good or maybe even better than Wright. 

This would be fun game because as I stated both are complete teams just like last year but i think it would come down to the bigs because with the way how college game works the bigs are a big factor that is also the same reason why Nova beat Oklahoma Sooners that way because they were able to contain Hield and the bigs were a non factor pretty much.

Here's the prediction of analysts from NCAA March Madness:

Here are the highlights of the games

UNC vs Syracuse

Nova VS Oklahoma

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