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"Bandwagoner" Some things that you might need to know.

Yes, when a team starts winning and you switch to support that from your original squad then you're a bandwagoner. But hey, here are some facts. Liking a team or a franchise just because they're really good or winning shouldn't be labelled, in fact when Michael Jordan is in his greatest era, everyone I mean everybody wanted to cheer for the Chicago Bulls.

We even do this bandwagoning in our daily lifestyle, example ; you were really enjoying kicks of your own choice but when the jordan brands came into the picture and everybody wanted one, you also joined the hype, when you're just used to drinking that coffee from a supermarket and started being influenced by friends to start drinking coffee from a coffee shop, so that's also bandwagon? Nope! Each fan has the right to choose which ever team they want, which ever sports they like or whichever hobby they wanna be in. It's not wrong to be inlove with a kind of circle you wanna be in if that makes you happy. It's like picking a fruit from a tree, you pick the ripe ones, the good looking ones. So if you hate the team that your friends love, don't start hating your friend we have that right to choose.

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