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Kris Dunn Will be the MIP of the Year 2018! #BullsFuturePointGoD!

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Yes! The guy in the middle is about to give Bulls fans something to cheer about. I know I am going on out on a limb stating this, but due to the release of Rondo, the focal point of offense is Dunn.

Dunn has been through adversity all throughout his life. He had a life almost like Jimmy Butler and he was just a bit lucky to have a brother and a mother who was often in jail. That is a tough situation to be in but Dunn persevered and work his tail off despite all the trials.

Relating that situation to his NBA career, Dunn has been given the keys to drive this team even though he had a lackluster rookie year. I believe that Dunn is on his way to stardom, in my eyes he can be a better version of Jeff Teague because he plays better defensively and in offense he can create for his team mates as well. 

I wont be surprised if Dunn will average 15pts 5 reb 6 assist and a steal or a block. 

If you are not convinced, check this highlights :)

Written by:
Aldrin C.
Team Powcast

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