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Balls-Eye: Will Celtics Lose Against an Underdog Again?

Kyrie Irving

The Boston Celtics. A team emerging this league lead by their new point guard Kyrie Irving. 

They run win streaks, finish games strong, but loses to teams in the abyss. Facing the Utah Jazz tomorrow, a team on number 9 spot. Is this a sign of another defeat?

Jazz is on a 4 straight losing streak after facing very tough teams like the OKC, Rockets and Greek Freak with Bucks. But now, they are to face another beast -- The Boston Celtics.

I won't keep you waiting so here it is.

Celtics: win or lose?

It will be a sweet victory for the green squad if Jazz would not be able to handle Celtic's main gun, Kyrie Irving. In their recent match, Uncle Drew scored 33 big points.

Now, why did I based my prediction solely onto Irving?

It is because in their recent loss, which was against Bulls. Irving's absence drastically pulled the team down. Losing in a huge deficit 108 - 85, One hand of Boston is guaranteed empty handed without Uncle Drew. It is the fastest path to victory over the no. 1 team in the east.


If Kyrie Irving gets it going, it will be a sorrowful 5 straight losses for the Jazz, otherwise, Celtics would be beaten once again by a team coming from the bottom. 

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