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Christmas Gift Experiences For The Extreme Sports Nut In Your Life

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Whether it’s our girlfriend, boyfriend or best friend, our brother, mother or lover, we all know an extreme sports nut who’s never happier than when they’re riding an adrenaline high on top of a cliff, the crest of a wave or 100 meters below sea level. We love these people and want to give them a Christmas gift to remember. For these adrenaline junkies, a tie pin or a gift voucher just isn’t going to cut it. As nice as it can be to have a gift to keep and look back on over time, sometimes the best gift is an experience. Memories, after all, can be carried round wherever we go. If you’re looking for a fun and memorable experience for them (or for both of you together) any one of these extreme experiences will be way more satisfying than a bottle of cologne…

Paintballing for two

If the love of your life is crazy about extreme sports, what could be more romantic than launching a military assault together? Paintball adventures are a fun way to bond whether you’re fighting side by side or finding tactically efficient ways to destroy one another on the battlefield. When the paint has been scrubbed out of your hair and fingernails and the bruises have faded, the memories will last for years to come.

Bubble football

If you know someone who’s tried zorbing but found it a little too tame, bubble football is for them. Zorbing (the act of propelling one’s self across land or water in a giant plastic bubble) is usually done downhill, with zorbers tumbling down before rolling to a gentle stop. Bubble football takes place on flat land with players’ torsos wrapped in 1.6m diameter zorbing balls with only their legs free to move. Much bumping between players, falling and hilarity ensues.

Land sailing

Taking to the seas with the wind in your hair is a truly thrilling experience, but if you like in a land locked state with miles of arid desert all around you, there’s no need for you to miss out on this experience. Land sailing is just as thrilling and is usually done on flat, sandy ground. The beginnings of land sailing have been traced back to ancient Egypt and when you try it, it’s easy to see why it has attracted thrill seekers for centuries as they travel at speeds of up to 50mph as the landscape congeals into a blur all around them. If you know someone who likes their sports fast and thrilling this is the experience for them.

Scuba diving

Whether your gift is intended for a romantic attachment or not, it’s hard to deny that there’s a compelling romanticism to scuba diving. The shimmering and colorful world of the underseas kingdom can look like a whole new world and everyone remembers the first time they saw it. If you’re after something that’s as magical as it is exhilarating, scuba diving is the way to go. 

Of course, these experiences are just the tip of the iceberg. If you want to give a loved one the gift of a thrilling and memorable extreme sports experience there are few better ways to make their Christmas.

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