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Gordon Hayward Could Be Ready To Play Sooner Than Anyone Expected

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Gordon Hayward Could play soon

Danny Ainge Tweets Photo of Gordon Hayward without Brace

(📷: Twitter/danielrainge)

An even brighter star is shining above the already bright sky of Boston as the team manager teases us with as he posts a photo of Gordon Hayward as if telling us that Gordon Hayward could be ready to play anytime soon. 

Gordon Hayward suffered a horrific injury in his very first game wearing the green uniform and since then has been recovering from the injury.  The Boston Celtics, on the other hand, had been doing good without the service of the star player currently at the top of the standing with 33 wins and 10 loss. And while that's the best record in the east right now it does not entirely say that they are the best team especially when Golden State Warriors shooters, the Cleveland Cavaliers King and the Houston Rockets Beard are lurking around the top of the standing. 

Gordon Hayward at 27 could be the difference maker between winning many games and being a championship team. His road to recovery has been rather steady and the one-time all-star could be ready for some basketball sooner than expected.

Check out the tweet of Danny Ainge:

Should the Celtics make Gordon Hayward play?

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