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Car Technologies That Are Cutting Down Insurance Costs Today


No matter how much you love driving, there is one thing guaranteed to (almost) deter you from your passion: the expense. With the rising cost of fuel, vehicle taxes (especially high on older motors), and the hefty insurance premiums instigated by (possibly) greedy insurers, we do feel the dent in our pocket. Of course, we put up with them because we are keen driving enthusiasts, but few of use can regret the sting in the tail as a consequence.

In this article, we are going to consider the cost of insurance. While it is possible to use sites such as to shop around for cheaper insurers, there are other ways we can bring down insurance costs. Safe driving is one, and having no points on our license is another, and in today's modern world, it is also the technology we use within our cars that can further bring down this driving expense.

The technologies reducing insurance costs

Predominantly, it is the rise of vehicle safety systems that are bringing down our insurance premiums. The less risk we pose on the road, the lower our premiums will be. At a very basic level, anti-lock braking systems and automatic seatbelts are two technologies that prove favorable with insurance companies. At an advanced level, and now provided as standard in newer vehicles produced today, driver assist technology is increasing our safety on the roads, and reducing insurance costs. With rearview cameras, dashboard cams, and automatic parking features, there is less chance of an accident occurring, and less payouts needing to be made from insurers. And as driver assist technology gets better, the closer we are getting to autonomous driving. Check out Nissan's ProPilot Assist technology, as an example. While their cars aren't completely self-driving yet, experts are suggesting that those cars that do become fully autonomous will cause insurers to make changes. In the unlikely event that an accident does occur, it will be the automaker who is liable and not the driver. Premiums will drop for the driver as a consequence.

Another technology guaranteed to reduce your insurance costs are anti-theft devices. Modern cars come fitted with such things as electronic tracking systems as standard, but owners of older vehicles can still benefit from insurance discounts by buying one of the industry-approved devices available on the market today. Check with your broker on what items will qualify you for a discount.

Finally, one Rhode Island Insurance company is advocating the use of app technology to further bring down insurance premiums. These apps will track drivers when they are on the road and will score them points on safe and efficient driving. The more points the driver scores, the higher the discount will be. It's about rewarding positive choices, giving drivers incentive to take care when out on the highways and byways. You can read more on this innovation here. Hopefully, other insurance companies will take note!

There has never been a better time to be a driver, as technology is making a difference to the way we drive today. Not only does it make us safer on the road, but there is the advantage of lower insurance costs to boot. If you have dragged your feet until now, perhaps now is the time to consider what technology will benefit your time on the road. Let us know what you think.

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